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News di Alcologia

Commissione europea: documentazione sull'alcol

Commissione europea: documentazione sull'alcol

Alcohol related harm is a major public health concern in the EU accountable for over 7% of all ill health and early deaths.

Even moderate alcohol consumption increases the long term risk of heart conditions, liver diseases and cancers and frequent

consumption of large amounts can lead to dependence.
Any amount of alcohol can be dangerous during pregnancy and when driving. Young people are particularly at risk of short term

effects of drunkenness, including accidents and violence, with alcohol-related deaths accounting for around 25% of all deaths

in young men aged between 15 and 29.
EU Alcohol Strategy
•The EU alcohol strategy is designed to help national governments and other stakeholders coordinate their action to reduce

alcohol related harm in the EU.
•First progress report on implementation of the EU alcohol strategy (September 2009)
•Country profiles
•The Committee for national alcohol policy and action - with representatives from the national governments - shares

information, knowledge and good practice on reducing harmful alcohol consumption.
•The Committee on data collection, indicators and definitions develops key indicators for monitoring overall performance of

the strategy.
•The EU alcohol and health forum is a platform where bodies active at European level can debate, compare approaches and act

to tackle harmful levels of alcohol consumption.
Promotion and support
•The Commission's Public Health Programme funds projects and other initiatives addressing alcohol.
•The on-line database RAYPRO enables to share information on projects and activities to reduce alcohol-related harm among

children and young people.