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News di Alcologia

Alcol: gli scozzesi bevono più degli inglesi

cufrad news alcologia alcol alcolici scozzesi inglesi

Alcohol abuse news: Scottish people drink more than English
Individuals hoping to reduce the frequency with which they take part in alcohol abuse in a bid to lead a healthy lifestyle could be  interested in recent figures.
A new report conducted by NHS Health Scotland has revealed that consumption of pure alcohol was 23 per cent higher in over-16s than those in England and Wales.
The figures, which represent a 21 per cent increase from 2009, highlight the widest gap since the data was first recorded in 1994 between Scottish and English drinking habits.
Anti-alcohol campaigners have called for the government to take action against the issue, which appears to be worsening as the years progress.
Dr Laurence Gruer, director of Public Health Science at NHS Health Scotland, said: "The findings underline the need to take action to tackle low-price off-sales if we are going to limit the damage alcohol is doing across Scotland. "
Earlier this year, a report from the NHS Information Centre revealed that alcohol-related hospital admissions had reached a record high, with a 12 per cent increase between 2008-9 and 2009-10.

(Articolo pubblicato dal CUFRAD sul sito www.alcolnews.it)