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News di Alcologia

Australia: aumentare il prezzo degli alcolici per combattere la dipendenza

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Call to raise alcohol prices in Australia to tackle addiction
Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has been urged to raise the minimum price of alcohol to curb addiction.
Cheap alcohol is being blamed for fuelling a crime wave in the Northern Territory town of Alice Springs.
John Boffa is a GP in Alice Springs and is part of the campaign to raise prices. Speaking to BBC Radio 5 live, he called for a "floor price".
"Australia as a whole has a very large problem with alcohol," Dr Boffa told Dotun Adebayo on Up All Night.
"Although the problem is disproportionate among aboriginal people, there is a problem throughout the whole community."

(Articolo pubblicato dal CUFRAD sul sito www.alcolnews.it)