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News di Alcologia

Cancún, 2-6 novembre 2010: 53° Conferenza Internazionale sulle Dipendenze ICAA

Cancún, 2-6 novembre 2010: 53° Conferenza Internazionale sulle Dipendenze ICAA

Intenational Council on Alchohol and Addiction
New Challenges - New Answers
53rd International ICAA Conference on Dependencies
Cancún, Mexico, 2nd - 6th November 2010

For the first time in 115 years of international conferences, ICAA welcomes you to Mexico! The beautiful city of Cancún,

situated in the federal state of Quintana Roo on the Caribbean coast in the south- east of the fifth largest country of the

Americas will see the 53rd International ICAA Conference on Dependencies from 2nd to 6th November 2010. The conference will

be co-hosted by Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ), the largest Mexican NGO active in the area of prevention,

treatment and research of addictions.
Exploring the theme of "New Challenges - New Answers " the Conference will address a range of current and high-profile issues

facing practitioners, policy makers and politicians across the world. Focussing on topical concerns such as designer drugs,

"legal highs", the internet, crime and the global movement of people the Conference will examine the challenges for the

prevention and treatment of addiction-related problems at local, national and international levels.
The programme will include plenary sessions with keynote speakers and discussants of international renown addressing the

Conference's major themes.
Major sessions will provide the opportunity for deeper exploration of the plenary topics based on presentations of invited

and submitted papers.
Workshops will provide a platform for presentations where animators will provide training in specific areas of prevention and

treatment of substance use, abuse and dependence.
The traditional sessions of the ICAA Sections will regroup contributed papers allowing in- depth exchange and dialogue around

a range of special interests.
Please use the online Conference registration and abstract e-mail should you wish to attend and present at ICAA Cancún 2010.
On each day of the Conference leaders in the field of addictions from around the world will present keynote papers in plenary

and major sessions on the core themes of the Conference.
The following programme grid provides an overview of the structure and main themes of the Conference. Details about plenary

and other sessions are indicated further below and will be completed as planning proceeds.
Each day will have two plenary sessions in which invited keynote speakers, discussants or panellists from research, practical

or policy making background will address questions related to the Conference theme.
A moderator will introduce the session as well as its presenters. The audience will be encouraged to reflect the

presentations during a discussion period which will follow the presentations.
Changes in the programme may take place at any time