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News di Alcologia

La dieta mediterranea sembra rallentare il declino cognitivo negli anziani

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La dieta mediterranea, ricca di verdure, pesce e olio d'oliva e moderato consumo di vino e alcol, è associata a tassi di più

lento di declino cognitivo negli anziani, secondo i ricercatori del Rush University Medical Center.
I risultati della ricerca sono stati pubblicati sull'American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Mediterranean diet appears to slow cognitive decline in older adults
Included in the study were 3,759 older residents of the South side of Chicago who are part of the Chicago Healthy Aging

Project, an ongoing evaluation of cognitive health in adults over the age of 65. Every three years, the study participants,

age 65 and older, underwent a cognitive assessment that tested such things as memory and basic math skills. Participants also

filled out a questionnaire on the frequency with which they consumed 139 food items ranging from cereals and olive oil to red

meat and alcohol.
The researchers then analyzed how closely each of the study participants adhered to a Mediterranean diet, which includes

daily consumption of such foods as fruit, vegetables, legumes, olive oil, fish, potatoes and nonrefined cereals, as well as

Out of a maximum score of 55, which would indicate complete adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the average study

participant scored 28. Those with the higher scores were also the individuals whose cognitive tests showed a slower rate of

decline, even when other factors that might account for the result, such as education level, were considered.
The researchers also analyzed how closely study participants adhered to the Healthy Eating Index-2005, which is based on the

recommendations from the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Higher scores indicating closer adherence to this index,

which gives less weight to fish, legumes and moderate alcohol intake, did not correspond with differences in rates of

cognitive decline.
Christy Tangney, PhD, lead author of the study and associate professor of clinical nutrition at Rush University, said that

the results add to other studies showing that a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and

"The more we can incorporate vegetables, olive oil, and fish into our diets and moderate wine consumption, the better for our

aging brains and bodies," Tangney said.
Source: Rush University Medical Center