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News di Alcologia

Milano: 12° meeting annuale ISAM (International society of addiction medicine)

Milano: 12° meeting annuale ISAM (International society of addiction medicine)

Milano - Università Bicocca 4-7 ottobre 2010

The International Society of Addiction Medicine's (ISAM) 12th Annual Conference under the theme "Bridging the gap between

science and clinical practice in the Addiction field" will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan, Italy,

October 4-7, 2010.
Ours is a young and dynamic university, which in the space of ten years has created an extensive network including many

world-famous universities, research centres and top corporations.
The conference aims to provide physicians and allied health professionals who treat patients with substance use, a

high-quality, comprehensive overview of all evidence-based findings currently available.
ISAM Milan 2010 will focus the latest scientific developments in addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry. The meeting is

structured to encourage International interaction between clinicians from multiple disciplines, schools of thought, and

Conference events include plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, and poster sessions showcasing new research in the field.
The official language of the Congress will be English. Simultaneous translation into Italian will be provided for plenary

lectures, and selected symposia.

Scientific Program

monday 4 October
09.00 am - 09.45 am - Aula Magna
Welcome addresses by the local Authorities
09.45 am - 10.30 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Addiction as a brain disease: implications for treatment
Eliot L. Gardner
10.30 am - 11.00 am - Break
11.00 am - 12.30 am
Lecture Halls
Up to 4 Tracks Symposia (t.b.a.)
12.30 am - 01.30 pm - Lunch Break
01.30 pm - 02.15 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
EMCDDA: Facts and Figures
Paul Griffiths
02.15 pm - 03.00 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Long Acting Opioid-Agonists in the Treatment of Heroin Addiction: Why Should We Call Them "Substitution"?
Gilberto Gerra
03:00 pm - 04.00 pm - Aula Magna
ISAM General Assembly
04.00 pm - 04.30 pm - Break
04.30 pm - 06.00 pm
Lecture Hall
Up to 4 Tracks Symposia (t.b.a.)

tuesday 5 October
08.00 am - 02.00 pm
Lecture Hall
ISAM International Certification Exam
09.00 am - 09.45 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Alcohol and adolescent brain development
Howard B. Moss
09.45 am - 10.30 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Practices, Policies and Research. Is there an European Approach to the Addiction Field?
Ambros Uchtenhagen
10.30 am - 11.00 am - Break
11.00 am - 12.30 am - Aula Magna
Strategies on harm reduction in alcohol consumption
Chair: Susumu Higuchi
Abstinence and controlled drinking: concepts and controversies
Karl Mann
Black or white alcohol outcomes in Europe
Henri Jean Aubin
Evidence supporting the reduced drinking concept
Hannu Alho
Can alcoholism therapeutics achieve broader harm reduction goals ?
Howard Moss
12.30 am - 01.30 pm - Lunch Break
01.30 pm - 02.15 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Bridging the gap in responses to substance use disorders: an update from the World Health Organization
Vladimir Poznyak
02.15 pm - 03.00 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Neurobiology of Reward Systems - Relevance for Learning, Addiction and Psychosis
Andreas Heinz
03.00 pm - 03.30 pm - Break
03.30 pm - 04.30 pm
Lecture Hall
Posters Session
04.30 pm - 06.00 pm - Aula Magna
Special Symposium
Innovative Strategies in the Implementation of Evidence-based practices in the addiction field
Co-chairs: Richard Rawson & Westley Clark
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in the U.S
Westley Clark
Dissemination and implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for stimulant dependence: A comparison of three approaches
Solomon Rataemane & Richard Rawson
Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practices: The NIDA-SAMHSA Blending Initiative Tim Condon & Thomas Freese
Working towards evidence-based drug dependence treatment and care: The TREATNET Capacity Building Cascade
Anja Busse

wednesday 6 October
09.00 am - 10.30 am - Aula Magna
Up to 4 Tracks Symposia (t.b.a.)
10.30 am - 11.15 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
The Research Framework for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Version V Substance Use Disorders

Section: an update
John B. Saunders
11.15 am - 11.30 am - Break
11.30 am - 12.15 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Cocaine Vaccine: Promises vs. Reality
Thomas Kosten
12.15 am - 01.00 pm - Aula Magna
NIDA Research Update Lecture
Developing Medicines To Treat Addictions: Pitfalls and Promises
Phil Skolnick
01.00 pm - 01.45 pm - Aula Magna
EMCDDA Research Update Lecture
EMCDDA Best Practice Portal
Marica Ferri
Free Afternoon
06.30 pm - 10.30 pm - Location (t.b.a.)
Opera Concert and Gala Dinner

thursday 7 October
09.00 am - 09.45 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Treatment of patients comorbid for addiction
and other psychiatric disorders
Kathleen T. Brady
09.45 am - 10.30 am - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Definitions and Diagnoses in Addiction Medicine: Implications for treatment - past, present and future?
Raju Hajela
10.30 am - 11.00 am - Break
11.00 am - 12.30 am
Lecture Hall
Up to 4 Tracks Symposia (t.b.a.)
12.30 am - 01.30 pm - Lunch Break
01.30 pm - 02.15 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Spirituality and Recovery in Twelve-Step Programs
Marc Galanter
02.15 pm - 03.00 pm - Aula Magna
Plenary Lecture
Perinatal Addiction: Challenges and Approaches
Loretta Finnegan
03.00 pm - 03.30 pm - Break
03.30 pm - 05.00 pm
Lecture Hall
Up to 4 Tracks Symposia (t.b.a.)
05.00 pm - 05.30 pm - Aula Magna
Closing Ceremony

Giuseppe Carrà
Massimo Clerici
Giovanni Tredici
Andrea Stella

Department of Neurosciences
and Biomedical Technologies
University of Milan - Bicocca
via Cadore, 48 - 20052 Monza (Italy)
Francesco Bartoli
Antonino Gennaro
Giancarlo La Pietra
Annamaria Lax
Cristiana Molinaro
Alessandra Ornaghi
Elena Pini
Silvia Ronzitti

Tarek Gawad, President (Egypt)
Hannu Alho, President-Elect (Finland)
Gregory Bunt (USA)
Giuseppe Carrà (Italy)
Paul Haber (Australia)
Raju Hajela (Canada)
Anatolio Munoz (Chile)
Gabrielle Welle-Strand (Norway)
Nady el-Guebaly (Canada)
Marc Galanter (USA)