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News di Alcologia

Progetto europeo FASE (Focus on Alcohol Safe Environment)

Progetto europeo FASE (Focus on Alcohol Safe Environment)

In its 2007 work plan, the European Commission called for the collection of best practices in work-place strategies to reduce

the impact of harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption on the economy; networking, evaluation and collection of best

practises on well-resourced community mobilisation and intervention projects to create safer drinking environments; and

development of best practice in advertising, self regulation and monitoring.
Problem analysis
Interventions in the work place can reduce harmful alcohol consumption, but there has been no systematic collation of

effective practices across the EU; interventions in drinking environments can reduce the harm done by alcohol, but there are

no clear European guidelines on best practice or systematic collation of effective practices across the EU; there is ample

evidence that advertising impacts on young people's drinking, but a lack of standardization for regulation and monitoring,

and no systematization of best practice across the EU.
To undertake systematic reviews and to systematically collect examples of best practice in the three topic areas, workplaces,

drinking environments and advertising; to prepare reports on guidance for the implementation of best practice; to share

knowledge and expertise on best practice with all relevant networks of professionals involved in each of the three topic

areas at European, country, regional and municipal levels.
Systematic reviews will be undertaken of the international and European literature to identify evidence based interventions

and policies in the three topic areas; collation of examples of European best practice and related laws and infrastructures

will be gathered from a wide range of country partners; recommendations for effective prevention and practice and guidelines

will be prepared based on the findings of the systematic reviews and collected examples.
Expected results
Published reports on the evidence and guidance for action and a database and inventory of examples of good practice and

relevant laws and infrastructures.
General Objectives
The general objectives of the FASE project are to build capacity at the European, country, regional and municipal levels by:
1. Collect best practices in work-place strategies to reduce the impact of harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption on the

economy (e.g. reduce absenteeism, drinking during working hours, working with a hangover and unemployment).
2. Network, evaluate and collect best practices on well-resourced community mobilization and intervention projects, involving

different sectors and partners to create safer drinking environments.
3. Support development of best practice in regulating advertising practices, and monitoring the adherence of regulation of

alcohol advertisements.