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News di Alcologia

University College London: lying about how much we drink is a symptom of our narcissistic society

cufrad news alcologia alcol alcolismo University College London: lying about how much we drink is a symptom of our narcissistic society

Lying about how much we drink is a symptom of our narcissistic society

A recent study suggests that the amount of alcohol consumed in England could be much higher than previously thought. When researchers at University College London compared alcohol sales with surveys of what people said they drank, the figures did not add up. A significant shortfall was found. It seems that about half the alcohol sold is unaccounted for in the consumption figures given by drinkers. It now seems that about 75% of people are probably drinking above the recommended daily alcohol limit.

If we put to one side mistakes such as not knowing the actual size of a unit of alcohol, it is apparent that our concern to retain a certain self-image is more important to us than our health. Yes, it would appear we have a greater investment in having our doctors think well of us than we do of our own wellbeing.

A friend confessed to me that she would rather lie about her cigarette consumption than experience her doctor's reaction to the truth. Another justified her denial of alcoholic excess by declaring it to be none of her gynaecologist's business. They are not unusual in giving these lies, but at least they know they are lying. Some of us are so invested in idealising our self-image that we do not want to face up to how much we lie, so we will even deceive ourselves about our alcohol consumption.

This over-investment in self-image at the expense of our own health is a symptom of narcissism. And narcissism has become the norm in our society. The proliferation of material things has become a measure of progress; wealth occupies a higher position than wisdom; and notoriety is more admired than dignity. Our politicians, our institutions, our culture are seeped in narcissism – we have a culture that overvalues image at the expense of truth. Lying to our doctors is but a symptom of this wider picture.

We automatically react to minimise our potential shame, as though shame would annihilate us. But if, instead of just reacting, we thoughtfully and truthfully respond to questions, we would find that shame does not kill us. If we experiment with telling the truth to our doctor, perhaps it would not only be beneficial to our longer-term health but would also be a positive step towards, if not cleaning up our image, in cleaning up ourselves.


(Articolo pubblicato dal CUFRAD sul sito www.alcolnews.it)